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Investigación de seguridad

Final Encounters With A Web Comment Spammer

diciembre 22, 2008 - 4 Min de lectura


In the last part of my series on web comment spamming applications, I want to pass along a few things I noticed that were effective at separating the spam apps from the humans. Many of these have been publicly discussed already, but they still are worth repeating. Also, note that none of these techniques provide a permanent, fool-proof way to stop spam apps. These suggestions will curb the tide of comment spam that is being spewed by today’s spam apps--but tomorrow's spam apps, if adapted, would be able to circumvent these mechanisms. Anyways, onto the mechanisms.
Use Javascript
All of the spam apps I've encountered to date do not run Javascript. So you should utilize some Javascript mechanism to manipulate the form before it is submitted. You can dynamically change the form action URL upon loading or submission, update the value of a hidden field to indicate Javascript is present and functioning, etc. Any submission to the wrong form action URL or without the proper hidden field value should be discarded.

The downside of this approach is that it requires the user to have Javascript enabled in their browser. While Javascript is mostly ubiquitous in the Web 2.0 world we live in, browser plugins like NoScript are still highly popular. So you have to make the executive decision on whether you want to require your users to enable Javascript to use your form...which might not be a problem if you already require it for other things (i.e. Web 2.0 elements in use on your site).

Monitor the time it takes to fill out the form
My simple experiment kept track of the time between when a spam app requested the form to when the form was submitted. What I saw was that the form submission was done immediately. There is no way a human would be able to reasonably fill out the fields of the form in under, say, two seconds. This provides a simple way to discard spam simply by keeping track of when the form was requested (via a time value stored in server-side session storage or within a hidden form field) and when the form was received by submission (compare current time with previously stored time).

Now sure, spam apps can get around this by slowing down a bit during the form submission process. But since these apps are trying to spew out tens/hundreds of thousands of spammy form submissions, requiring each submission to slow down causes significant time overhead for the user of the spam app. Are they willing to be patient and wait 10 times longer for their spams to be submitted?

Use CSS to hide some form fields
The spam apps liked to populate every text input field in the form with some kind of value. You can wrap a field in a HTML DIV with a CSS style set to 'display:none', which essentially makes the field invisible. Normal CSS-capable web browsers will not display the field, so the user will never get a chance to enter input data into it. But the spam applications do not account for the hidden DIV, and thus will treat it like any other field on the form (and input a value). Thus all you need to do is see if that invisible form field contains a value upon submission, and if so, discard the submission. For safety, put a nice warning (also in the DIV) to users that they should not fill out the field if they see it; that way, if for some reason a user has a browser which is not CSS-compliant, they are still prompted to leave the field blank.

Textarea input field in HTML comments
I noticed one of the spam apps that hit my form just couldn't resist the temptation of populating data into a textarea input field that was within HTML comments. Normal browsers will ignore everything in comments, including the erroneous textarea field; so any submissions that include that field should be discarded as spam.

Don't use obvious form field names
Avoid using the field name 'email' for a user's email address, etc. In fact, you can turn this to your advantage: have the email field be named 'foo' or something else innocuous, and then check upon submission that the 'foo' field data format matches the format of an email address (which is typically done for validation purposes anyways). Since the spam apps often shove random garbage into fields they do not understand, you can discard any submission that does not contain what looks like an email address in the 'foo' field. Alternatives include checking numeric format in postal code or phone number fields, etc.

Overall, these few simple tricks can help you alleviate the flood of web comment spam that your site might be experiencing. They may not be perfect, but they are simpler to implement than a CAPTCHA and do provide some value from the current crop of web comment spam apps that are roaming the Internet. Every little bit helps.

Until next time,

- Jeff


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